Thursday, February 1

Half Full or Half Empty?

Today in my public speaking class, I actually got in front of the class to do some "impromptu speaking"... and i didn't get nervous or my voice didn't get all crackly. Lol. I was proud of myself because whenever I have to talk in front of the class my voice just gets all shaky and I just cant do very well? Anyways...

Our teacher came around and passed us all these quotes face down on our desk, and we he called our name we had to go to the front of the class, read the quote, and then say how it related to us. Ha!

My quote was from Helen Keller. It said "No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new doorway for the human spirit."

So I read it and then I kinda took a deep breath, cuz it is so my specialty to make stuff up on the spot. So I said "Well, I can relate to this because I am a very optimistic person so I think of the glass as half FULL! Now, pessimists think of it as half empty. How far can you get with something half empty?! Not very far! But if it's half full, you can go as far as you want!"

Chyeeeeeeeeeeeeeah! I'm awesome. The End.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

haha what a dork!

but i do have to admit, that was pretty good!

i say its half empty...but whateva whateva