Sunday, December 24

Here We Go Again

So, this is online blog number... i dunno, i lost count after like 3!

"ActionToysForBrains" came from the song A Great Big Sled by The Killers. It's some xmas song they recorded and there's a lyric in there that says little boys have action toys for brains and well... I liked it? So i said hmm! I shall call my blog URL thingyyyy that. Yup.

Merry Xmas Eve EVE! :) I get to open all my presents tomorrow... from both grandparents. I have no idea what I'm getting cuz i thought the whole family was going to chip in and buy me my XM satellite radio (which i got from my parents)... but my parents got me the whole thing! So... it's a big mystery what I'm going to get. Probably money and/or giftcards... which fine in my book!

I can't get any different layouts to actually work... so im using one of the stupid templates they let you choose from and pffft these ugly things.

That's all for now.

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